This module contains example code for blinking the System LED. Most(currently all) Netcruzer SBC boards have a System LED, and can be used for testing this program. The LED is blinked by using the Timer 1 interrupt. Timer 1 is set to interrupt every 1 second, causing the Timer 1 Interrupt Service Routine (ISR) to be called. The ISR simply toggles the System LED. The line "PR2 = 62500;" sets the Timer 1 interrupt period. Changing this value will change the blink rate. For example, changing this line to "PR2 = 6250;" will blink LED every 100ms.
This project can be run on any of our SBC66 Netcruzer boards. For prototyping, we recommend combining this board with a Prototyping Board, like the PT66ECI for example. This low cost prototyping board makes all the I/O ports of the SBC66 board available via marked labels on the PCB. It also provides a reset and firmware button that simplifies prototyping.
This project is located in the "src/demos/interrupt/ledflash_int" folder of the Netcruzer Download. To compile for Netcruzer Board, open this project in MPLAB X, and select the "Project Configuration" for desired board. For example "SBC66ECL_R2" for the SBC66ECL Revision 2 board. For details click here
After compiling (build), the board can be programmed via the USB Bootloader or a PIC Programmer. USB Programming is simplified when using the SBC board together with a Prototype Board.
2012-08-08, David H. (DH):