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nz_circularBuffer.h File Reference

This file defines a Circular Buffer interface. More...

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Data Structures

struct  _CIRBUF


#define CIRBUF_MIN_SIZE   8
#define CIRBUF_ESC_CHAR   '^'
#define CIRBUF_TYPE_STREAMING   0x0000
#define CIRBUF_TYPE_PACKET   0x0001
#define CIRBUF_FLAGS_POWER2   0x0020
#define CIRBUF_FORMAT_NONE   0x0000
#define BUFFORMAT_NONE   0
#define CIRBUF_FORMAT_ASCII   0x0004
#define CIRBUF_FORMAT_ASCII_ESC   0x0008
#define CIRBUF_FORMAT_BIN   0x000C
#define BUFFORMAT_BIN   3
#define CIRBUF_FORMAT_BIN_ESC   0x0010
#define cbufHasSpace(pBuf)   (cbufIsFull(pBuf)==0)
#define cbufGetEscapeCharacter(pBuf)   (CIRBUF_ESC_CHAR)
#define ASCIIESC_ADD_S_AND_P   0x0001


typedef struct _CIRBUF CIRBUF


void cbufInitDefault (CIRBUF *pBuf, BYTE *bufArray, WORD size)
void cbufInit (CIRBUF *pBuf, BYTE *bufArray, WORD size, BYTE typeFormat)
void cbufTask (void)
void cbufSetTypeAndFormat (CIRBUF *pBuf, BYTE typeFormat)
void cbufEmpty (CIRBUF *pBuf)
BOOL cbufIsEmpty (CIRBUF *pBuf)
BOOL cbufIsFull (CIRBUF *pBuf)
BOOL cbufHasData (CIRBUF *pBuf)
WORD cbufGetCount (CIRBUF *pBuf)
WORD cbufGetFree (CIRBUF *pBuf)
BYTE cbufGetFormat (CIRBUF *pBuf)
BYTE cbufGetType (CIRBUF *pBuf)
WORD cbufGetEscapedSizeRequired (CIRBUF *pBuf, BYTE *buf, WORD size)
BYTE cbufPeekByte (CIRBUF *pBuf)
BYTE cbufPeekByteAt (CIRBUF *pBuf, WORD offset)
BYTE cbufPeekEscapedByte (CIRBUF *pBuf, BYTE *b)
WORD cbufFindByte (CIRBUF *pBuf, WORD offset, BYTE value)
void cbufRemoveByte (CIRBUF *pBuf)
void cbufRemoveBytes (CIRBUF *pBuf, WORD n)
void cbufRemovePutByte (CIRBUF *pBuf)
BYTE cbufGetByte (CIRBUF *pBuf)
BYTE cbufGetByte_MACRO (CIRBUF *pBuf)
BYTE cbufGetEscapedByte (CIRBUF *pBuf, BYTE *b)
WORD cbufGetString (CIRBUF *pBuf, BYTE *pDstArr, WORD size)
WORD cbufGetArray (CIRBUF *pBuf, BYTE *pDstArr, WORD size)
WORD cbufGetArrayTillByte (CIRBUF *pBuf, BYTE *pDstArr, BYTE value, WORD size)
WORD cbufGetRdArrSize (CIRBUF *pBuf)
BYTE * cbufGetRdArr (CIRBUF *pBuf)
BYTE cbufPutByte (CIRBUF *pBuf, BYTE b)
void cbufPutByteNoCheck (CIRBUF *pBuf, BYTE b)
BYTE cbufPutWord (CIRBUF *pBuf, WORD w)
BYTE cbufPutByteAscii (CIRBUF *pBuf, BYTE b)
BYTE cbufPutByteAsciiHex (CIRBUF *pBuf, BYTE b)
BYTE cbufPutWordAscii (CIRBUF *pBuf, WORD w)
BYTE cbufPutWordAsciiHex (CIRBUF *pBuf, WORD w)
BYTE cbufShaddowPutByte (CIRBUF *pBuf, BYTE b, WORD putShaddow)
void cbufShaddowPutCommit (CIRBUF *pBuf, WORD putShaddow)
BYTE cbufPutControlChar (CIRBUF *pBuf, BYTE b)
BYTE cbufPutEscapedByte (CIRBUF *pBuf, BYTE b)
WORD cbufPutString (CIRBUF *pBuf, const char *s)
WORD cbufPutAsciiEscString (CIRBUF *cbufDst, CIRBUF *cbufSrc, const char *pStrSrc, WORD flags)
WORD cbufPutStringWait (CIRBUF *pBuf, const char *s)
WORD cbufPutArray (CIRBUF *pBuf, const BYTE *pSrcArr, WORD size)
WORD cbufPutArrayWait (CIRBUF *pBuf, const BYTE *pSrcArr, WORD size)
WORD cbufMove (CIRBUF *pBufSrc, CIRBUF *pBufDst)
WORD cbufGetWrArrSize (CIRBUF *pBuf)
BYTE * cbufGetWrArr (CIRBUF *pBuf)
void cbufUpdatePut (CIRBUF *pBuf, WORD n)
BOOL cbufGetError (CIRBUF *pBuf)
void cbufClearError (CIRBUF *pBuf)
BOOL cbufIsPacket (CIRBUF *pBuf)
BOOL cbufIsPacketLarge (CIRBUF *pBuf)
WORD cbufHasWholePacket (CIRBUF *pBuf)
WORD cbufPacketStrcmp (CIRBUF *pBuf, const char *str)
WORD cbufGetFreeForPacket (CIRBUF *pBuf)
WORD cbufGetContiguousPacket (CIRBUF *pBuf, BYTE **ppData)
WORD cbufGetPacketDataSize (CIRBUF *pBuf)
BYTE cbufPeekPacketByte (CIRBUF *pBuf)
WORD cbufPeekPacketDataSize (CIRBUF *pBuf)
WORD cbufPutPacket (CIRBUF *pBuf, const BYTE *pSrcArr, WORD size)
void cbufRemovePacket (CIRBUF *pBuf)

Detailed Description

This file defines a Circular Buffer interface.

Modtronix Engineering
MPLAB XC16 compiler


Circular buffers form a very important part of the Netcruzer Library. They are used for many of the modules contained in the library, and provide a consistent way for exchanging data between modules. In it's simplest form it is a "first in, first out" BYTE buffer. It provides the basic functions for reading and writing data from and to the buffer. But also contains many additional, more advanced functions.

This file defines a Circular Buffer interface. The implementation has to be done in a separate c file by creating instances of these functions. The Netcruzer library contains two implementations:

  • nz_circularBufferStd.c, this is a default implementation for creating circular buffers of any size.
  • nz_circularBufferPwr2.c, this is a more efficient implementation, with the condition that the size has to be a power of 2 value (4,8,16,32,64,128...). Most examples and projects use the nz_circularBufferPwr2.c implementation.


The following defines are used to configure this module, and should be placed in projdefs.h. Note that all items marked [-DEFAULT-] are defaults, and do not have to be placed in projdefs.h if they contain desired configuration! For details, see Project Configuration.

// *********************************************************************
// ------- Circular Buffer Configuration (nz_circularBuffer.h) ---------
// *********************************************************************
//Specifies what circular buffer is used. Ensure only one of the following is uncommented. If none selected, nz_circularBufferStd is used
//#define CIRBUF_USE_CIRCULAR_BUFFER_STD //Use nz_circularBufferStd
#define CIRBUF_USE_CIRCULAR_BUFFER_PWR2 //Use nz_circularBufferPwrs
//Optimize for size, not speed!
//Configure buffer NOT to supports packets - define to create smaller code when packets not used.
//Configure buffer NOT to supports large packets (65,279 bytes, standard is 254) - define to create smaller code when large packets not used.
//Defines minimum size allowed for a circular buffer. Default is 8
//#define CIRBUF_MIN_SIZE ( 8 )
//Disable all MARCO_xxx functions. Uncomment this line for smaller code. Comment this line for faster, larger code.
//Standard Escape Character
#define CIRBUF_ESC_CHAR ( '^' ) //[-DEFAULT-]
//Small code saving by using cbufPutByte() for cbufPutByteNoCheck(). Not enabled by default!


To use a circular buffer, the following must be done:

  • Copy the Configuration section above (from nz_circularBuffer.h) to the projdefs.h file.
  • In this "Configuration" section, change any default values if required (if default values should be used, define is not required in projdefs.h).
  • Add a default implementation c file to the MPLAB project, like nz_circularBufferPwr2.c for example.
  • Add nz_helpers.c to the MPLAB project.
  • All DONE! The functions defined in this file can now be used in the project.

Buffer Type

When creating a circular buffer, the type and format is specified. When working with Circular Buffers, the buffer's type can be obtained with the cbufGetType() function. There are two main buffer types, streaming and packet. For a standard data buffer, with no formatting, a streaming buffer with no formatting should be created. This is done by the following code:

CIRBUF cbufTest; //CIRCUF structure
BYTE bufTest[32]; //Byte array for buffer data
cbufInit(&cbufTest, bufTest, sizeof(bufTest), CIRBUF_FORMAT_NONE | CIRBUF_TYPE_STREAMING);

Streaming Type

This type of buffer is created by passing the CIRBUF_TYPE_STREAMING define to the cbufInit() function. It creates a simple "first in, first out" type buffer, for reading and writing single bytes. There is no formatting! Bytes are added with cbufPutByte(), and removed with cbufGetByte() functions.

Packet Type

This type of buffer is created by passing the CIRBUF_TYPE_PACKET define to the cbufInit() function. A packet type buffer groups data together in packets, with a maximum data size of 254 bytes. It has the following format:
[Size 8-bit][Data]

  • size: Is the 8-bit size of data to follow
  • data: The packet data.

Various packet functions are provided for reading and writing data from and to the buffer in packet format. Some of them are:
cbufIsPacket(), cbufHasWholePacket(), cbufPeekPacketByte(), cbufPeekPacketDataSize(),
cbufPutPacket(), cbufGetContiguousPacket()....

Large Packet Type

This type of buffer is created by passing the CIRBUF_TYPE_LARGE_PACKET define to the cbufInit() function. Same as CIRBUF_TYPE_PACKET, but the packet has a much larger possible data size. Data is grouped data together in packets, with a maximum data size of 65,279 bytes. It has the following format:
[Size 16-bit][Data] = [size MSB][size LSB][data]

  • size: Is the 16-bit size of data to follow. Fist byte (cbufPeekByte(pBuf)) is MSB part of size. If first byte is 0xFF, it is a dummy packet till end of contiguous buffer space. This is used to fill buffer if last part of buffer is too small to hold a packet. Buffer is filled with dummy packet, and packet is written to contiguous data space at beginning of buffer.
  • data: The packet data.

Buffer Format

When creating a circular buffer, four formatting types can be specified. The buffer formatting will influence the data provided to, and obtained from certain functions. When working with Circular Buffers, the buffer's format can be obtained with the cbufGetFormat() function.

No Format

Is created by passing the CIRBUF_FORMAT_NONE constant to the cbufInit() function.
Buffer contains binary data. No formatting is provided by any functions.

Binary Format

Is created by passing the CIRBUF_FORMAT_BIN constant to the cbufInit() function.
Buffer contains binary data. No conversion is done to data read and written from and to the buffer.

Binary Format, with Escape Sequence

Is created by passing the CIRBUF_FORMAT_BIN_ESC constant to the cbufInit() function.
Buffer contains binary data. This is the same as the Binary Format buffer, but provides additional functionality for embedding "control characters" in the data. The following additional functions are provided:

The '^' character is the default "escape character". It is used to add "control characters" to the buffer. A "control character" is preceded by the '^' character. Two '^' characters following each other represents a single '^' character. The default "escape character" can be changed by adding the CIRBUF_ESC_CHAR define to the projdefs.h file (see Configuration).

  • It is recommended to use lower case characters 'a' to 'z' for "control characters".
  • It is recommended to use a "not too often" used ASCII character for the "escape character".

The following functions provide additional functionality for writing "ASCII formatted strings".

The given string will be encoded, and stored in binary format in the buffer.

The "escape sequences" are:

^^ Two "escape characters" represents a single '^' character.
^x Use this format to represent a "control character". For example '^s' could be used to represent an I2C bus Start condition.

An example of this type of buffer would be for sending I2C data. The I2C bus can put START and STOP conditions on the bus in addition to normal data. The '^s' and '^p' "escape sequences" can be use to represent Start and Stop commands. For example, to put a START condition on the bus, followed by "Hello", followed by the STOP condition, the following bytes should be added to the buffer:
'^', 's', 'H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', '^', 'p'

ASCII Format

Is created by passing the CIRBUF_FORMAT_ASCII constant to the cbufInit() function.
The buffer contain readable ASCII characters (human readable ASCII format):

  • Bytes are represented as two-digit, upper case hex characters.
  • Strings can be inserted by enclosing them with single quotation marks(').

No special formatting is provided by any functions.

The buffer has the following format:

Format Description
XX Two upper case characters representing a single byte (hex value).
' Enclose string with single quotes. A double ' character will not end the string, but represents a single ' character.

The following example shows how to represent 3 bytes (0x50, 0xC0 and 0xFA) with an "ASCII formatted string":


It is stored in the buffer as 6 characters, and represents the following 3 bytes = 0x50, 0xC0, 0xFA.

The following example shows how to represent the same 3 bytes as above (0x50, 0xC0 and 0xFA), with a string (Hello) added to it:


It is stored in the buffer as 13 characters, and represents the following 8 bytes:
0x50, 0xC0, 0xFA, 'H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o'

ASCII Format, with Escape Sequence

Is created by passing the CIRBUF_FORMAT_ASCII_ESC constant to the cbufInit() function.
This is the same as the ASCII Format buffer, but provides additional functionality for embedding "control characters" in the data.

  • Bytes are represented as two-digit, upper case hex characters.
  • Strings can be inserted by enclosing them with single quotation marks(').
  • "Control characters" are represented by a lower case character 'a' to 'z'
  • Additionally "Control characters" can be inserting by using the "escape character", followed by any ASCII character
  • 's' an 'p' control characters represent the start and stop of a message.

For lower case control characters in the range 'a' to 'z', no "escape character" is required! For "control characters" outside this range, an "escape sequence" is required! It is recommended always using lower case "control characters"!

The buffer has the following format:

Format Description
XX Two upper case characters representing a single byte (hex value).
c Lower case character 'a' to 'z' represents a "control character".
s, p 's' an 'p' control characters represent the start and stop of a message.
^^ Two "escape characters" represents a single '^' character.
^x Use this format to represent a "control character". For example '^s' could be used to represent an I2C bus Start condition.
' Enclose string with single quotes. A double ' character will not end the string, but represents a single ' character.

The following example shows how to represent 3 bytes (0x50, 0xC0 and 0xFA) with an "ASCII formatted string":


It is stored in the buffer as 6 characters, and represents the following 3 bytes = 0x50, 0xC0, 0xFA.

The following example shows how to represent the same 3 bytes as above (0x50, 0xC0 and 0xFA) with an "ASCII formatted string". In addition it adds a 's' and 'p' control character to the front and back of the 3 bytes:


It is stored in the buffer as 8 characters, and represents the following 5 bytes
: 's'(Control Character), 0x50, 0xC0, 0xFA, 'p'(Control Character)

The following example shows how to represent the same 3 bytes as above (0x50, 0xC0 and 0xFA) with an "ASCII formatted string". In addition it adds a 'Z' and 'p' control character to the front and back of the 3 bytes. NOTE that because 'Z' is not lower case, it need to be written as an "escape sequence"!:


It is stored in the buffer as 9 characters, and represents the following 5 bytes
: 'Z'(Control Character), 0x50, 0xC0, 0xFA, 'p'(Control Character)

The following example shows how to represent the same 3 bytes as above (0x50, 0xC0 and 0xFA), with a string (Hello) added to it:


It is stored in the buffer as 13 characters, and represents the following 8 bytes:
0x50, 0xC0, 0xFA, 'H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o'

The following example shows how to represent the same 3 bytes as above (0x50, 0xC0 and 0xFA), with a string (Hi) added to it. It also adds a 's' and 'p' control character to the front and back of the data:


It is stored in the buffer as 12 characters, and represents the following 7 bytes
: 's'(Control Character), 0x50, 0xC0, 0xFA, 'H', 'i', 'p'(Control Character)

Software License Agreement

The software supplied herewith is owned by Modtronix Engineering, and is protected under applicable copyright laws. The software supplied herewith is intended and supplied to you, the Company customer, for use solely and exclusively on products manufactured by Modtronix Engineering. The code may be modified and can be used free of charge for commercial and non commercial applications. All rights are reserved. Any use in violation of the foregoing restrictions may subject the user to criminal sanctions under applicable laws, as well as to civil liability for the breach of the terms and conditions of this license.


File History

2010-10-11, David H. (DH):

  • Initial version

Macro Definition Documentation

#define ASCIIESC_ADD_S_AND_P   0x0001

Flag instructing cbufPutAsciiEscString() function to adds a 's' and 'p' control character to front and back of destination.

#define cbufGetEscapeCharacter (   pBuf)    (CIRBUF_ESC_CHAR)

Get the "escape characters". The default escape character is '^'. This can be changed by defining CIRBUF_ESC_CHAR in the projdefs.h file.

pBufPointer to CIRBUF structure
Returns the escape character, is '^' by default.
#define cbufHasSpace (   pBuf)    (cbufIsFull(pBuf)==0)

Checks if the given buffer is not full. Has space for adding data.

For Multi Threaded Applications, call from "PUT context".

pBufPointer to CIRBUF structure
Returns true if the given buffer has data.
#define CIRBUF_ESC_CHAR   '^'

For packet buffers, this causes packet to ONLY be placed into contiguous data space in the buffer. If a packet is added to the buffer, a check is done to see if there is enough contiguous space at the end of the buffer to add the packet. If not, a dummy packet (MSB byte of size = 0xff) is written to the end of the buffer (fills the end of buffer, and the packet is written at the start of the buffer. This will cause space to be lost in a buffer, but greatly simplifies code, seeing that packets are always located in contiguous data space.

#define CIRBUF_FORMAT_ASCII   0x0004

Buffer is in ASCII (plain text) format

#define CIRBUF_FORMAT_ASCII_ESC   0x0008

Buffer is in ASCII format (plain text), with Escape sequence (Control Character) processing. The '^' is the default escape character. Standard Two '^' characters following each other represent a single '^' character.

#define CIRBUF_FORMAT_BIN   0x000C

Buffer is in plain Binary format. No processing of the data is done.

#define CIRBUF_FORMAT_BIN_ESC   0x0010

Buffer is in plain Binary format, with Escape sequence processing. The '^' is the default escape character. Two '^' characters following each other represent a single '^' character. Exact processing of Escape sequence depends on buffer type, and how it processes them. For example, an I2C buffer could interpret '^S' as a "Bus Start condition", and '^P' as a "Bus Stop condition".

#define CIRBUF_FORMAT_NONE   0x0000

Buffer has no formatting.

cirbuf_demo1/main.c, and cirbuf_packet_demo/main.c.

Large Packet buffer type, maximum 65,279 bytes long. Each packet added has the format:
[Size 16-bit][Data] = [size MSB][size LSB][data]

  • size: Is the 16-bit size of data to follow. Fist byte (cbufPeekByte(pBuf)) is MSB part of size. If first byte is 0xFF, it is a dummy packet till end of contiguous buffer space. This is used to fill buffer if last part of buffer is too small to hold a packet. Buffer is filled with dummy packet, and packet is written to contiguous data space at beginning of buffer.
  • data: The data

Same as CIRBUF_TYPE_PACKET, but larger possible data. Get size of packet (data part, whole packet is one more) with bufGetLargePacketSize(CIRBUF_RX_xxx) function

#define CIRBUF_TYPE_PACKET   0x0001

Packet buffer type, maximum 254 bytes long. Each packet added has the format:
[Size 8-bit][Data]

  • size: Is the 8-bit size of data to follow
  • data: The data

New packet is only added if there is enough space, ensuring buffer does not get corrupted. If no space, low level code responsible for adding packet might send failure message to sender, requesting it is sent again at a later stage.

#define CIRBUF_TYPE_STREAMING   0x0000

Default buffer type. Streaming buffer, there is no formatting! Bytes are added with cbufPutByte(), and removed with cbufGetByte() functions.


Typedef Documentation

typedef struct _CIRBUF CIRBUF

Circular Buffer Structure, for buffers with maximum size of 65279. Exactly the same as CIRBUF structure, but flagBits.bSizePower2 flag must be clear. Use bufXxx functions with this structure. bufXxx functions always work, and buffXxx are optimzed functions for when buffer size is a power of 2.

Function Documentation

void cbufClearError ( CIRBUF pBuf)

Clears all error flags.

pBufPointer to CIRBUF structure
void cbufEmpty ( CIRBUF pBuf)

Empty the given buffer. Any data contained in the buffer is lost.

For "Packet" buffer, do not use this function. When calling cbufPutPacket(), and there is no space AND 2 contiguous blocks, write dummy packet. This will cause the next bufGetXxx function to remove dummy packet, and reset buffer to PUT=GET=0

pBufPointer to CIRBUF structure
WORD cbufFindByte ( CIRBUF pBuf,
WORD  offset,
BYTE  value 

Find first occurance of given byte. The offset in the buffer is returned. For example, if the string is "Name=Mark", and we call cbufFindByte(pBuf, 0, '='), it will return 4 (index of =).

For Multi Threaded Applications, call from "GET context".

pBufPointer to CIRBUF structure
offsetOffset to start the search from, 0 is start of buffer. NOT SUPPORTED YET, but will be in future!
valueByte to search forl
Offset of byte, or -1 of not found
WORD cbufGetArray ( CIRBUF pBuf,
BYTE *  pDstArr,
WORD  size 

Copies given number of bytes to BYTE array, remove them from source "Circular Buffer", and returns actual number of bytes copied. If returned value is less than given size, all bytes were copies from source, and it didn't have enough bytes.

For Multi Threaded Applications, call from "GET context".

pBufPointer to source CIRBUF structure, that data is copied from
pDstArrPointer to destination BYTE array
sizeMaximum number of bytes to copy. Could be less if pBuf contains less
Returns number of bytes added to destination array.
WORD cbufGetArrayTillByte ( CIRBUF pBuf,
BYTE *  pDstArr,
BYTE  value,
WORD  size 

Copies bytes from given source "Circular Buffer" (and removed them) to destination "Byte Array" until:

  • A byte with value given in "value" parameter is found (matching byte ALSO COPIED)
  • End of source "Circular Buffer" reached The actual number of bytes copied is returned.

These are the ONLY conditions under which this functions removes bytes from the source "Circular Buffer" (as given by return value)!

The following will return -1, and not remove anything from source "Circular Buffer":

  • Given "size" is exceeded
  • Given byte ("value") was not found
  • End of source "Circular Buffer" not reached
    !!!! IMPORTANT !!!!
    A side affect is that bytes will still be copied to given destination "Byte Array" (pDstArr), but nothing is removed from source "Circular Buffer"!

Some examples:
If the string is "Name=Value", and we call cbufGetArrayTillByte(pBuf, pDstArr, '=', 20):
- The string "Name=" (5 bytes) will be removed from pBuf, and copied to pDstArr. Returns 5

If the string is "Name=Value", and we call cbufGetArrayTillByte(pBuf, pDstArr, '=', 3):
- NOTHING is removed from pBuf! The string "Nam" (3 bytes) is however still copied to pDstArr. Returns -1

If the string is "Value", and we call cbufGetArrayTillByte(pBuf, pDstArr, '&', 20):
- The string "Value" (5 bytes) will be removed from pBuf, and copied to pDstArr. Returns 5

For Multi Threaded Applications, call from "GET context".

pBufPointer to source CIRBUF structure, that data is copied from
pDstArrPointer to destination BYTE array
valueByte to search for
sizeMaximum number of bytes to copy to pDstArr.
Returns number of bytes copied to destination array and removed from source buffer, or -1 if nothing removed. NOTE that if -1 returned, bytes are still copied to destination array, but nothing is removed from source buffer
BYTE cbufGetByte ( CIRBUF pBuf)

Gets a byte from the Buffer, and removes it from buffer.

cbufIsEmpty() must have been called to confirm the buffer has data!

For Multi Threaded Applications, call from "GET context".

pBufPointer to CIRBUF structure
Returns the next byte in the given buffer.
cirbuf_demo1/main.c, uart_debug_demo1/main.c, and usb/device_MIDI_LCD/main.c.
BYTE cbufGetByte_MACRO ( CIRBUF pBuf)

Gets a byte from the Buffer, and removes it from buffer. MACRO version, ONLY use as expression, like "c=cbufGetByte_MACRO(pBuf);" ! !!!! IMPORTANT !!!! Never use in statment, but only on single line. DON'T use like this: if ((i = cbufGetByte(1)) > 1) Use like that: i = cbufGetByte(1);

cbufIsEmpty() must have been called to confirm the buffer has data!

For Multi Threaded Applications, call from "GET context".

pBufPointer to CIRBUF structure
Returns the next byte in the given buffer.
WORD cbufGetContiguousPacket ( CIRBUF pBuf,
BYTE **  ppData 

Checks if there is a whole packet available to read, and if so, returns it's size and a pointer to it's data. The data is contained in a contiguous block, pointed to by the returned ppData pointer. The returned size is a value from 1 to 254 for a normal "Packet Circular Buffer", and 1-65279 for a large "Packet Circular Buffer". This function does NOT remove any data from the buffer. If the returned data is processed, the packet can be removed by calling the cbufRemovePacket() function.

This must be a "Packet Buffer"!

For Multi Threaded Applications, call from "GET context".

pBufPointer to CIRBUF circular buffer
ppDataThis paramater is updated (output parameter!) with a pointer to the packet's data buffer. The returned size indicates how much data is available to read..
Returns size of packet data. A value from 1 to 254 for a normal "Packet Circular Buffer" and 1-65279 for a large "Packet Circular Buffer". Returns 0 if buffer empty, OR does not contain a packet, OR size part of packet not available.
WORD cbufGetCount ( CIRBUF pBuf)

Gets number of bytes available in buffer for reading.

For Multi Threaded Applications, call from "GET context".

pBufPointer to CIRBUF structure
Returns number of bytes available in buffer.
cirbuf_demo1/main.c, and cirbuf_packet_demo/main.c.
BOOL cbufGetError ( CIRBUF pBuf)

Get the bErrorFull flag. Use the cbufClearError() function to clear the error flag.

pBufPointer to CIRBUF structure
The bErrorFull flag
BYTE cbufGetEscapedByte ( CIRBUF pBuf,
BYTE *  b 

Gets and removes a byte from the Buffer, taking "escape characters" into account. If the read character is an "escape character", a second byte is also read.

  • If this byte is another "escape character", it represents a single character with the same value as the "escape character". This function returns 0, and the read character is returned via the "b" parameter
  • If this byte is NOT the "escape character", it is a "control character". This function returns 1, and the control character is returned via the "b" parameter

For Multi Threaded Applications, call from "GET context".

cbufGetCount() must have been called to confirm the buffer has AT LEAST 2 bytes available to read!
pBufPointer to CIRBUF structure
bPointer to BYTE for returned character. This function will place the returned character in the byte pointed to by this parameter.
Returns 0 if a normal byte is returned, else 1 if a "control character" is returned.
WORD cbufGetEscapedSizeRequired ( CIRBUF pBuf,
BYTE *  buf,
WORD  size 

Gets the buffer size required for the given array, taking "escape characters" into account. The default escape character is '^'. For each of these characters contained in the array, it has to be escaped with a second '^' character. For example, the string "Esc=^" will return 6, even though the string is only 5 characters long. This is how much space is required to add this string to the buffer. It is stored as "Esc=^^" in the buffer.

pBufPointer to CIRBUF structure
bufThe buffer containing the array to process
sizeSize of the given buffer
Returns number of free bytes available in buffer. This is maximum bytes we can write to buffer
BYTE cbufGetFormat ( CIRBUF pBuf)

Returns this buffer's format.

pBufPointer to CIRBUF structure
Returns this buffer's format, is a CIRBUF_FORMAT_XXX constant
WORD cbufGetFree ( CIRBUF pBuf)

Gets number of free bytes available in buffer. This is how much space is available for writing.

Do NOT use for "Packet Buffers" (if this buffer has been configured as a "Packet Buffer"). Use cbufGetFreeForPacket() in stead!

For Multi Threaded Applications, call from "PUT context".

pBufPointer to CIRBUF structure
Returns number of free bytes available in buffer. This is maximum bytes we can write to buffer
WORD cbufGetFreeForPacket ( CIRBUF pBuf)

Gets number of free bytes available in buffer for a packet (packet data). This is how much space is available for the data part of a packet. This function can be called before calling cbufPutPacket() to see if there is enough space to add a packet.

This must be a "Packet Buffer"!

For Multi Threaded Applications, call from "PUT context".

pBufPointer to CIRBUF structure
Returns number of free bytes available in buffer for the data part of a packet.
WORD cbufGetPacketDataSize ( CIRBUF pBuf)

Check if size part of packet(size of packet data) is in buffer, and if so, get and remove it. No check is done to see if data part of packet is already in buffer. The packet size is a value from 1 to 254 for a normal "Packet Circular Buffer", and 1-65279 for a large "Packet Circular Buffer". It gives the size of the data part of the packet to follow. After calling this function, the data part remains in the buffer and MUST be processed and removed! Use cbufPeekPacketDataSize() to get size without removing it.

For Multi Threaded Applications, call from "GET context".

This must be a "Packet Buffer"!
pBufPointer to CIRBUF circular buffer
Returns size of packet data. A value from 1 to 254 for a normal "Packet Circular Buffer", and 1-65279 for a large "Packet Circular Buffer". Returns 0 if buffer empty, OR does not contain a packet, OR size part of packet not available.
BYTE* cbufGetRdArr ( CIRBUF pBuf)

Get byte pointer to current GET location. Use this function with cbufGetRdArrSize() function.

For Multi Threaded Applications, call from "GET context".

BYTE pointer to current GET location
WORD cbufGetRdArrSize ( CIRBUF pBuf)

Gets number of contiguous bytes that can be read from buffer. Bytes are NOT removed! Call cbufRemoveBytes(n) to remove bytes if required. Bytes can be read from cirbuf.buf[ cirbuf.get ]. Call cbufHasData() to see if more bytes available when done. Note that if available bytes cross buffer end boundry, there will be 2 congiguous blocks of data.

!!!! IMPORTANT !!!! Remember to call cbufRemoveBytes(n) to remove bytes if required.

For Eexample: WORD size, byteWritten; //Get number of bytes available for reading size = cbufGetRdArrSize(&cirbuf); //Call some function that requires an array and size as input parameters byteWritten = usbPutArr( cbufGetRdArr(&cirbuf), size); //Now remove bytes from buffer cbufRemoveBytes(&cirbuf, byteWritten);

For Multi Threaded Applications, call from "GET context".

pBufPointer to CIRBUF structure
Number of bytes available in returned buffer
WORD cbufGetString ( CIRBUF pBuf,
BYTE *  pDstArr,
WORD  size 

Gets a string from the "Circular Buffer", and copies it to given destination array. The string is remove them from source "Circular Buffer". The actual number of bytes copied is returned. Is only done if a string is found, or end of source buffer reached. Returns number of bytes copied.

If size is exceeded, -1 is returned, and no bytes are removed from source buffer! A side affect is that bytes will still be copied to given destination array (pDstArr), but nothing is removed from source buffer!

!!!! IMPORTANT !!!! Note that if given byte not found, or end of source buffer not reached, nothing is removed from source buffer and -1 is returned. This is the case if the size of the given destination array (size parameter) is reached. Bytes (size) are still copied to destination array (pDstArr).

For Multi Threaded Applications, call from "GET context".

pBufPointer to source CIRBUF structure, that data is copied from
pDstArrPointer to destination BYTE array
sizeMaximum number of bytes to copy. Could be less if pBuf contains less
Returns number of bytes added to array.
BYTE cbufGetType ( CIRBUF pBuf)

Returns this buffer's type.

pBufPointer to CIRBUF structure
Returns this buffer's type, is a CIRBUF_TYPE_XXX constant
BYTE* cbufGetWrArr ( CIRBUF pBuf)

Function for getting byte pointer to current PUT location. Use this function with cbufGetWrArrSize() function.

For Multi Threaded Applications, call from "PUT context".

pBufPointer to CIRBUF structure
Byte pointer to put buffer.
WORD cbufGetWrArrSize ( CIRBUF pBuf)

Gets number of contiguous bytes that can be written to buffer. Buffer PUT pointer is NOT updated! Call cbufUpdatePut() to update PUT pointer. Bytes can be written to cirbuf.buf[ cirbuf.put ]. Call cbufIsFull() to see if more bytes can be written when done (and PUT pointer updated). Note that if available bytes cross buffer end boundry, there will be 2 congiguous blocks of data.

!!!! IMPORTANT !!!! Remember to call cbufUpdatePut() to update PUT pointer after adding bytes to array.

For Example: WORD size, bytesRead; //Get number of bytes available that can be written to buffer array size = cbufGetWrArrSize(&cirbuf); //Call some function that requires an array and size as input parameters bytesRead = usbGetArr( cbufGetWrArr(&cirbuf), size); //Now update PUT pointer with bytes written cbufUpdatePut(&cirbuf, bytesRead);

For Multi Threaded Applications, call from "PUT context".

pBufPointer to CIRBUF structure
Number of bytes available in returned buffer
BOOL cbufHasData ( CIRBUF pBuf)

Checks if the given buffer contains data.

pBufPointer to CIRBUF structure
Returns true if the given buffer has data.
cirbuf_demo1/main.c, uart_debug_demo1/main.c, and usb/device_MIDI_LCD/main.c.
WORD cbufHasWholePacket ( CIRBUF pBuf)

Indicates if given buffer contains a whole packet.

For Multi Threaded Applications, call from "GET context".

pBufPointer to CIRBUF structure
Returns 0 if false, else size of Packet (size of whole packet = [Size] and [Data] part of packet).
cirbuf_demo1/main.c, cirbuf_packet_demo/main.c, db66dev1_debug_demo/main.c, device_HID_debug_demo/main.c, i2c_debug_demo/main.c, ow_ds2482_async_debug/main.c, ow_ds2482_demo1_debug/main.c, pt66din6_debug_demo/main.c, rotary_encoder/main.c, rtc_debug_demo/main.c, sensor_dht11_dht22/main.c, sensor_dht11_dht22_block/main.c, template_project_debug/main.c, uart_debug_demo1/main.c, and uart_xc16_demo1/main.c.
void cbufInit ( CIRBUF pBuf,
BYTE *  bufArray,
WORD  size,
BYTE  typeFormat 

Buffer initialization. Buffer type and format is configured via typeFormat parameter.

pBufPointer to CIRBUF structure
bufArrayPointer to buffer array that is used for the this CIRBUF objects internal storage. Must have at least 'size' bytes available.
sizeSize of this buffer.
typeFormatGives the 'type' and 'format' of the buffer. Is an ORed combination of CIRBUF_FORMAT_XX and CIRBUF_TYPE_XX defines. For example: (CIRBUF_FORMAT_NONE | CIRBUF_TYPE_STREAMING)
cirbuf_demo1/main.c, and cirbuf_packet_demo/main.c.
void cbufInitDefault ( CIRBUF pBuf,
BYTE *  bufArray,
WORD  size 

Default Buffer initialization. Buffer type is set to streaming (no packet formatting), and with no formatting. Use this function creating a basic buffer with no formatting. Bytes are added and removed in serial fashion. Use cbufInit() function to initialize buffer with different type and formatting.

pBufPointer to CIRBUF structure
bufArrayPointer to buffer array that is used for the this CIRBUF objects internal storage. Must have at least 'size' bytes available.
sizeSize of this buffer.
BOOL cbufIsEmpty ( CIRBUF pBuf)

Checks if the given buffer is empty.

pBufPointer to CIRBUF structure
Returns true if the given buffer is empty. Else, returns false.
BOOL cbufIsFull ( CIRBUF pBuf)

Checks if the given transmit buffer is full - no more space for adding data. This is the case when put+1 = get

pBufPointer to CIRBUF structure
Returns true if the given buffer is full. Else, returns false.
BOOL cbufIsPacket ( CIRBUF pBuf)

Indicates if given buffer is a "Packet Type" buffer. If true, the cbufIsPacketLarge() function can be used to determine if it is a normal or large "Packet Circular Buffer".

pBufPointer to CIRBUF structure
Returns 1 if this is a Packet buffer.
BOOL cbufIsPacketLarge ( CIRBUF pBuf)

Indicates if the given buffer is a "Large Packet Type" buffer. This is the case if the bPacketLarge flag is set.
This function does not check it is is a packet, but only the bPacketLarge flag. This flag is only valid if this buffer is a packet type. First use cbufIsPacket() function to check if this buffer is a packet. To check if this buffer is a packet AND if it is a large packet, use: if (cbufIsPacket() && cbufIsPacketLarge()) { .... }

pBufPointer to CIRBUF structure
Returns 1 if this is Large Packet buffer (has a 16-bit size field).
WORD cbufMove ( CIRBUF pBufSrc,

Moves as many bytes as possible from given source buffer (BIFCIR), to given destination buffer (CIRBUF). This function checks how many Source bytes are available, and maximum number of bytes that can be added to Destination.

!! IMPORTANT !! When using in multi threaded application, ensure function is not interrupted by other tasks that can modify the source or destination buffers!

pBufSrcPointer to Source CIRBUF structure
pBufDstPointer to Source CIRBUF structure
Returns number of bytes moved from source to destination buffers.
WORD cbufPacketStrcmp ( CIRBUF pBuf,
const char *  str 

Compares given string to contents of Packet.

For Multi Threaded Applications, call from "GET context".

The buffer must contain a Packet. Use cbufHasWholePacket() function prior to calling this function to check if the buffer contains a whole packet!
pBufPointer to CIRBUF structure
strString to compare contents of packet to.
Returns 0 if string matches contents of buffer. The lenght is also checked, and buffer contents must be same as strings length.
cirbuf_demo1/main.c, cirbuf_packet_demo/main.c, db66dev1_debug_demo/main.c, device_HID_debug_demo/main.c, i2c_debug_demo/main.c, ow_ds2482_async_debug/main.c, ow_ds2482_demo1_debug/main.c, pt66din6_debug_demo/main.c, rotary_encoder/main.c, rtc_debug_demo/main.c, sensor_dht11_dht22/main.c, sensor_dht11_dht22_block/main.c, template_project_debug/main.c, uart_debug_demo1/main.c, and uart_xc16_demo1/main.c.
BYTE cbufPeekByte ( CIRBUF pBuf)

Gets a byte from the Buffer, without removing it. The byte is NOT removed from the buffer, and the buffer pointers are NOT updated! To remove the byte, and update the pointers, call the cbufRemoveByte() function.

For Multi Threaded Applications, call from "GET context".

cbufIsEmpty() must have been called to confirm the Buffer has data!
pBufPointer to CIRBUF structure
Returns the next byte in the given buffer.
BYTE cbufPeekByteAt ( CIRBUF pBuf,
WORD  offset 

Gets a byte at the given offset from the Buffer, without removing it. The byte is NOT removed from the buffer, and the buffer pointers are NOT updated! The byte at the given offset it returned. The offset is how deep the byte is in the buffer. For example, 0 will return first byte in buffer, 5 will return the 6th byte in the buffer.

For Multi Threaded Applications, call from "GET context".

Ensure offset parameter is not larger than current number of byte contained in buffer. Call cbufGetCount() to get current number of bytes in buffer.
pBufPointer to CIRBUF structure
offsetOffset of byte to return. Is a value from 0-n, where n = (cbufGetCount() - 1)
Returns the byte at the given offset in the given buffer.
BYTE cbufPeekEscapedByte ( CIRBUF pBuf,
BYTE *  b 

Gets a byte from the Buffer, taking "escape characters" into account. The returned byte is NOT removed from the buffer, and the buffer pointers are NOT updated! To remove the byte, and update the pointers, call the cbufRemoveByte() function.

If the first byte in the buffer is an "escape character", the second byte is returned.

  • If this byte is another "escape character", it represents a single character with the same value as the "escape character". This function returns 0, and the read character is returned via the "b" parameter
  • If this byte is NOT the "escape character", it is a "control character". This function returns 1, and the control character is returned via the "b" parameter

For Multi Threaded Applications, call from "GET context".

cbufGetCount() must have been called to confirm the buffer has AT LEAST 2 bytes available to read!
pBufPointer to CIRBUF structure
bPointer to BYTE for returned character. This function will place the returned character in the byte pointed to by this parameter.
Returns 0 if a normal byte is returned, else 1 if a "control character" is returned.
BYTE cbufPeekPacketByte ( CIRBUF pBuf)

Return the first byte of the Packet data, without removing it.

For Multi Threaded Applications, call from "GET context".

This must be a "Packet Buffer", and there MUST be a packet available! Use cbufHasWholePacket() function to check if there is a packet available!
pBufPointer to CIRBUF circular buffer
Returns first byte of Packet's data.
WORD cbufPeekPacketDataSize ( CIRBUF pBuf)

Returns size of packet data. Nothing is removed from the buffer! The packet size is a value from 1 to 254 for a normal "Packet Circular Buffer", and 1-65279 for a large "Packet Circular Buffer". It gives the size of the data part of the packet to follow.

For Multi Threaded Applications, call from "GET context".

The buffer must contain a Packet. Use cbufHasWholePacket() function prior to calling this function to check if the buffer contains a whole packet!
pBufPointer to CIRBUF circular buffer
Returns size of packet data. A a value from 1 to 254 for a normal "Packet Circular Buffer", and 1-65279 for a large "Packet Circular Buffer".
WORD cbufPutArray ( CIRBUF pBuf,
const BYTE *  pSrcArr,
WORD  size 

Adds given number of bytes to buffer. This function checks given buffer has enough space. The actual number of bytes written is returned.

For Multi Threaded Applications, call from "PUT context".

pBufPointer to CIRBUF structure
pSrcArrPointer to source BYTE array
sizeNumber of bytes to copy
Returns number of bytes added to buffer.
WORD cbufPutArrayWait ( CIRBUF pBuf,
const BYTE *  pSrcArr,
WORD  size 

Adds given number of bytes to buffer. If buffer does not have enough space, this function will wait until space is available in buffer to add requested bytes. !!!!! IMPORTANT !!!!! Only call this function for buffers that use ISR to empty buffer. Else, buffer will never get empty if we wait for it!

For Multi Threaded Applications, call from "PUT context".

pBufPointer to CIRBUF structure
pSrcArrPointer to source BYTE array
sizeNumber of bytes to copy
Returns number of bytes added to buffer. If a timeout occurred, it will be less then the requested size.
WORD cbufPutAsciiEscString ( CIRBUF cbufDst,
CIRBUF cbufSrc,
const char *  pStrSrc,
WORD  flags 
WORD cbufPutAsciiEscString(CIRBUF* cbufDst, CIRBUF* cbufSrc, const char* pStrSrc, WORD flags)

Adds the given string (in ASCII format, with escape sequences) to the given destination.

The source must be an ASCII String, and can contain Escape Sequences.
The destination is a "Circular Buffer", and must be in "Binary Format, with Escape Sequence". It can be a normal (Streaming) or "Packet" type "Circular Buffer".
This function will decoded the source, and add it to the destination as binary data.

For details on formats, see ASCII Format, with Escape Sequences, and Binary Format, with Escape Sequence. For details on "Circular Buffer" types, see Circular Buffers and Packet Type Circular Buffers.

The source can be a String, "Circular Buffer" or "Packet Type Circular Buffer"

  • String: Give string in the pStrSrc parameter, and NULL in cbufSrc parameter. The string must be NULL terminated!
  • Circular Buffer: Give "Circular Buffer" in the cbufSrc parameter, and NULL in pStrSrc parameter. The "Circular Buffer" must contain a NULL terminated string.
  • Packet Type Circular Buffer: Give "Circular Buffer" in the cbufSrc parameter, and NULL in pStrSrc parameter. If the packet contains a NULL terminated string, it is added. Else, the first packet is added to the destination.

If destination "Circular Buffer" did not have enough space to add data:

  • NOTHING is added to the destination "Circular Buffer".
  • NOTHING is removed from the source "Circular Buffer" (if source is a "Circular Buffer").


  • All processed bytes are removed from the source "Circular Buffer" (if source is a "Circular Buffer").

For Multi Threaded Applications, call from "PUT context".

If source is a Packet type "Circular Buffer", it MUST contain a whole packet.
cbufDstIs the destination "Circular Buffer"
cbufSrcIf not NULL, is pointer to source "Circular Buffer".
  • If Packet type, all bytes from next packet are processed and added to destination.
  • Else all bytes till NULL character (end of string) are processed and added to destination.
pStrSrcIf cbufSrc=NULL, this must contain the source as a NULL terminated string.
flagsA combination of ASCIIESC_XXX flags that add aditional functionality:
  • ASCIIESC_ADD_S_AND_P: Adds a 's' and 'p' control character to front and back of destination.
Returns number of bytes added to buffer. Zero is returned if destination "Circular Buffer" did not have enough space to add string. In this case, nothing is added to the buffer.
BYTE cbufPutByte ( CIRBUF pBuf,
BYTE  b 

Adds a BYTE to the buffer, and updates the buffer pointers. This function checks given buffer has enough space(1 byte) to add BYTE. If the destination buffer has enough space, 1 byte will be added.

For Multi Threaded Applications, call from "PUT context".

pBufPointer to CIRBUF structure
bByte to add to the buffer
Returns number of bytes added to buffer, will be 0 or 1. Returns 0 if buffer did not have enough space to add given byte. In this case, nothing is added to the buffer.
cirbuf_demo1/main.c, uart_debug_demo1/main.c, and usb/device_MIDI_LCD/main.c.
BYTE cbufPutByteAscii ( CIRBUF pBuf,
BYTE  b 

Adds a BYTE in decimal format to the buffer, and updates the buffer pointers. For example, cbufPutByteAscii(100) will add the string "100" to the buffer. The NULL terminator is NOT included. This function checks given buffer has enough space to add string.

For Multi Threaded Applications, call from "PUT context".

pBufPointer to CIRBUF structure
bByte to add to the buffer
Returns number of bytes added to buffer. Zero is returned if buffer did not have enough space to add string. In this case, nothing is added to the buffer.
BYTE cbufPutByteAsciiHex ( CIRBUF pBuf,
BYTE  b 

Adds given BYTE as a "2-Character Uppercase ASCII Hex Formatted String" to the buffer, and updates the buffer pointers. For example, cbufPutByteAscii(0x5A) will add the string "5A" to the buffer. The NULL terminator is NOT included. This function checks given buffer has enough space to add string.

For Multi Threaded Applications, call from "PUT context".

pBufPointer to CIRBUF structure
bByte to add to the buffer
Returns number of bytes added to buffer, will be 0 or 2. Zero is returned if buffer did not have enough space to add string. In this case, nothing is added to the buffer.
void cbufPutByteNoCheck ( CIRBUF pBuf,
BYTE  b 

Adds a BYTE to the buffer, and updates the buffer pointers. No check is done to see if there is space available in the buffer!

cbufIsFull() must have been called to confirm the buffer is not full!

For Multi Threaded Applications, call from "PUT context".

pBufPointer to CIRBUF structure
bByte to add to the buffer
BYTE cbufPutControlChar ( CIRBUF pBuf,
BYTE  b 

Add an "Escape Character" and given byte to buffer. The default escape character is '^'. This function is used to add special control characters to the buffer.

buffer must have space, this function does NOT check if there is space in the buffer! Use cbufGetFree() to get free space for writing.
pBufPointer to CIRBUF structure
bByte to add to the buffer
Returns 0 if ERROR, else number of bytes added to buffer. Will be 2 if successfull (escape character and given byte).
BYTE cbufPutEscapedByte ( CIRBUF pBuf,
BYTE  b 

Add the given byte to the buffer. If it is equal to the "Escape Character", it has to be preceded by an additional escape characters(escaped). The default escape character is '^'. When reading back the buyte with cbufGetEscapedByte, the original bytes will be read (excluding any escape characters that might have been added).

buffer must have space, this function does NOT check if there is space in the buffer! Use cbufGetFree() to get free space for writing.
pBufPointer to CIRBUF structure
bByte to add to the buffer
Returns 0 if ERROR, else number of bytes added to buffer.
Returns 2 if given byte was the "Escape Character" (had to be escaped with additional character)
Returns 1 if single byte added to buffer.
WORD cbufPutPacket ( CIRBUF pBuf,
const BYTE *  pSrcArr,
WORD  size 

Adds given number of bytes to buffer as a packet. This function checks given buffer has enough space, and either adds all given bytes, or nothing (not enough space). A Packet buffer has the format: [Size][Data] The size parameter must give the size of the source BYTE array (pSrcArr parameter). It will be copied to the [Data] part of the Packet. The [Size] part can be a 8 or 16-bit value, depending if it is a normal or large packet buffer. Use the cbufIsPacketLarge() to determine if normal or large. When normal, function will fail if the size parameter is larger than 254.

The cbufGetFreeForPacket() function can be called prior to calling this function to check if there is enough space. But if not called, and there is not enough space, this function will return with 0 without any error occuring!

This must be a "Packet Buffer"!

For Multi Threaded Applications, call from "PUT context".

pBufPointer to destination CIRBUF Circular Buffer. Packet is added to this buffer.
pSrcArrPointer to source BYTE array. This is copied to the [Data] part of packet.
sizeSize of source BYTE array(pSrcArr).
Returns number of bytes added to buffer.
WORD cbufPutString ( CIRBUF pBuf,
const char *  s 

Adds given NULL terminated string to buffer, and updates the buffer pointers. The NULL terminator is NOT included (not written to buffer!) This function checks given buffer has enough space to add string.

For Multi Threaded Applications, call from "PUT context".

pBufPointer to CIRBUF structure
sNull terminated string to add
Returns number of bytes added to buffer. Zero is returned if buffer did not have enough space to add string. In this case, nothing is added to the buffer.
WORD cbufPutStringWait ( CIRBUF pBuf,
const char *  s 

Adds given NULL terminated string to buffer, and updates the buffer pointers. If the buffer is full, this function will wait until space is available in buffer to add string. !!!!! IMPORTANT !!!!! Only call this function for buffers that use ISR to empty buffer. Else, buffer will never get empty if we wait for it!

For Multi Threaded Applications, call from "PUT context".

pBufPointer to CIRBUF structure
sString to add to the buffer
Returns number of bytes added to buffer.
BYTE cbufPutWord ( CIRBUF pBuf,
WORD  w 

Adds a WORD to the buffer, and updates the buffer pointers. This function checks given buffer has enough space(2 bytes) to add WORD. If the destination buffer has enough space, 2 bytes will always be added to the buffer, first the LSB followed by the MSB.

For Multi Threaded Applications, call from "PUT context".

pBufPointer to CIRBUF structure
wWord to add to the buffer
Returns number of bytes added to buffer, will be 0 or 2. Returns 0 if buffer did not have enough space to add given word. In this case, nothing is added to the buffer.
BYTE cbufPutWordAscii ( CIRBUF pBuf,
WORD  w 

Adds a WORD in decimal format to the buffer, and updates the buffer pointers. For example, cbufPutByteAscii(100) will add the string "100" to the buffer. The NULL terminator is NOT included. This function checks given buffer has enough space to add string.

For Multi Threaded Applications, call from "PUT context".

pBufPointer to CIRBUF structure
wWord to add to the buffer
Returns number of bytes added to buffer. Zero is returned if buffer did not have enough space to add string. In this case, nothing is added to the buffer.
BYTE cbufPutWordAsciiHex ( CIRBUF pBuf,
WORD  w 

Adds given WORD as a "4-Character Uppercase ASCII Hex Formatted String" to the buffer, and updates the buffer pointers. For example, cbufPutByteAscii(0x065A) will add the string "065A" to the buffer. The NULL terminator is NOT included. This function checks given buffer has enough space to add string.

For Multi Threaded Applications, call from "PUT context".

pBufPointer to CIRBUF structure
wByte to add to the buffer
Returns number of bytes added to buffer, will be 0 or 4. Zero is returned if buffer did not have enough space to add string. In this case, nothing is added to the buffer.
void cbufRemoveByte ( CIRBUF pBuf)

Removes a byte from the Buffer. Removes bytes from the back of the circular buffer (from GET pointer). The same as cbufGetByte() will remove the byte read!

Before calling this function, it must be confirmed that the buffer has data. The cbufHasData() is an example function that can be used to do this check.

For Multi Threaded Applications, call from "GET context".

pBufPointer to CIRBUF structure
void cbufRemoveBytes ( CIRBUF pBuf,
WORD  n 

Removes given number of bytes from the Buffer.

Before calling this function, it must be confirmed that the buffer has the requested number of bytes to remove.

!!! IMPORTANT !!! If more bytes are requested to be removed then available, bad things will happen!!!!!!!!

For Multi Threaded Applications, call from "GET context".

pBufPointer to CIRBUF structure
nNumber of bytes to remove
void cbufRemovePacket ( CIRBUF pBuf)

Checks if there is a packet in the buffer, and if so, removes it.

This must be a "Packet Buffer"!

For Multi Threaded Applications, call from "GET context".

pBufPointer to CIRBUF structure
cirbuf_demo1/main.c, cirbuf_packet_demo/main.c, db66dev1_debug_demo/main.c, device_HID_debug_demo/main.c, i2c_debug_demo/main.c, ow_ds2482_async_debug/main.c, ow_ds2482_demo1_debug/main.c, pt66din6_debug_demo/main.c, rotary_encoder/main.c, rtc_debug_demo/main.c, sensor_dht11_dht22/main.c, sensor_dht11_dht22_block/main.c, template_project_debug/main.c, uart_debug_demo1/main.c, and uart_xc16_demo1/main.c.
void cbufRemovePutByte ( CIRBUF pBuf)

Removes last byte written to the Buffer. Removes bytes from the front of the circular buffer (from PUT pointer). This function is NOT the same as the cbufRemoveByte() function! It should be used to undo a byte added via cbufPutByte().

Before calling this function, it must be confirmed that the buffer has data. The cbufHasData() is an example function that can be used to do this check.

For Multi Threaded Applications, call from "PUT context".

pBufPointer to CIRBUF structure
void cbufSetTypeAndFormat ( CIRBUF pBuf,
BYTE  typeFormat 

Sets the Type and Format of the buffer. This is normally done via the cbufInit() or cbufInitDefault() functions!

pBufPointer to CIRBUF structure
typeFormatGives the 'type' and 'format' of the buffer. Is an ORed combination of CIRBUF_FORMAT_XX and CIRBUF_TYPE_XX defines. For example: (CIRBUF_FORMAT_NONE | CIRBUF_TYPE_STREAMING)
BYTE cbufShaddowPutByte ( CIRBUF pBuf,
BYTE  b,
WORD  putShaddow 

Adds a byte to the buffer, using supplied PUT pointer. Returns updated PUT pointer. The actual PUT pointer of buffer is NOT modified, meaning data is added to buffer, but it will NOT be available for reading by any other threads until commited. Use this function to create thread safe code. Is required when writing data to buffer, that might get changed before done.

For example, when writing a packet, we migth update the packet size (first by of packet) only when done, seeing that we do not know the size until finished. In this case, we do not want any other process reading the packet until we are done!

Call cbufShaddowPutCommit() function to commit all changes made via this function.

cbufIsFull() must have been called to confirm the buffer is not full!

For Multi Threaded Applications, call from "PUT context".

pBufPointer to CIRBUF structure
bByte to add to the buffer
putShaddowIs the shaddow PUT pointer
Returns the updated shaddow PUT pointer.
void cbufShaddowPutCommit ( CIRBUF pBuf,
WORD  putShaddow 

Commit shaddow PUT pointer.

pBufPointer to CIRBUF structure
putShaddowShaddow PUT pointer to commit
void cbufTask ( void  )

Must be called every couple of ms

void cbufUpdatePut ( CIRBUF pBuf,
WORD  n 

Increments PUT pointer by given size, taking care of any wrapping required. This function is meant to be used after writing bytes to a CIRBUF buffer's array obtained with cbufGetWrArrSize() function.

For Multi Threaded Applications, call from "PUT context".

pBufPointer to CIRBUF structure
nSize to increment put pointer by