
This example is contained in the "./tcp/src/main_tcp4.c" file in the "Example TCP/IP projects" source code that can be downloaded from the relevant Ethernet SBC board's product page at www.modtronix.com. For example, for the SBC65EC it can be found at <a href="https://www.modtronix.com/product/sbc65ec

This example program shows how to send a file via TCP. The file can be any length. Files longer then the TCP transmit buffer are automatically sent in multiple TCP packets. The file is sent to socket (IP address, port 54124). It shows how to use the sendFileToTcpServer() funtion in a blocking and non blocking way.

The following modules are included in this project:

#include "net\stacktsk.h"
#include "net\tcputils.h"

//TCP Send File State machine
static enum _smSendFile {
} smSendFile = SM_SENDFILE_INIT;

void main(void)
    BYTE filename[12];
    BYTE sendFileRet;
    TCP_FILESEND_INFO tcpFileSendInfo;

    //Initialization code

    /**************** Method 1 begin ****************/
    //This mmethod shows how to send a file with the sendFileToTcpServer()
    //function that blocks until the file has been sent. The while()
    //statement only breaks once the entire file has been
    //Initialize TCP_FILESEND_INFO structure
    tcpFileSendInfo.serverNode.IPAddr.v[0]  = 10;       //Server's IP address
    tcpFileSendInfo.serverNode.IPAddr.v[1]  = 1;
    tcpFileSendInfo.serverNode.IPAddr.v[2]  = 0;
    tcpFileSendInfo.serverNode.IPAddr.v[3]  = 201;
    tcpFileSendInfo.port                    = 54124;    //Port to send file to
    tcpFileSendInfo.sm                      = 0;        //Start state
    //Initialize filename array with name of file to open, including terminating NULL
    strcpypgm2ram((char*)filename, (ROM char*)"IOVAL.CGI");
    //Repetitively call sendFileToTcpServer() until done
    while( (sendFileRet=sendFileToTcpServer(filename, &tcpFileSendInfo)) != 0)
    if (sendFileRet != 0) {
        //Error during file send, take action!
    /***************** Method 1 end *****************/

    //Initialize state machine to 0 to cause file to be sent
    smSendFile = 0;

    //Infinite loop. Check if anything is received on TCP port
        /**************** Method 2 begin ****************/
        //This method shows how to send a file with the sendFileToTcpServer()
        //function that does NOT block until the file has been sent. It will
        //return 0xff if the operation is not done yet. This function has to
        //be repetitively called as long as it returns 0xff.
        switch (smSendFile) {
            //Initialize tcpFileSendInfo structure
            case SM_SENDFILE_INIT:
                //Initialize TCP_FILESEND_INFO structure
                tcpFileSendInfo.serverNode.IPAddr.v[0]  = 10;       //Server's IP address
                tcpFileSendInfo.serverNode.IPAddr.v[1]  = 1;
                tcpFileSendInfo.serverNode.IPAddr.v[2]  = 0;
                tcpFileSendInfo.serverNode.IPAddr.v[3]  = 201;
                tcpFileSendInfo.port                    = 54124;    //Port to send file to
                tcpFileSendInfo.sm                      = 0;        //Start state
                //Initialize filename array with name of file to open
                strcpypgm2ram((char*)filename, (ROM char*)"AVAL.CGI");

                //break;    //No break
            //Send file. We remain in this state as long as sendFileToTcpServer() returns 0xff
            case SM_SENDFILE:
                if ( (sendFileRet=sendFileToTcpServer(filename, &tcpFileSendInfo)) == 0) {

                    //File successfully sent!
                    //Take action if required
                    smSendFile++;       //File send done, go to done state
                //An error occured during file send, take action if required!
                else if (sendFileRet != 0xff) {
                    //Error while sending file, see sendFileRet for details on type of error
                    smSendFile++;   //File send error, go to done state
            //File send finished
            case SM_SENDFILE_DONE:
        /***************** Method 2 end *****************/

        //This task performs normal stack task including checking for incoming
        //packet, type of packet and calling appropriate stack entity to
        //process it.

Generated on Wed Feb 3 12:45:33 2010 for SBC65EC Web Server by  doxygen 1.5.8