
This example program shows how to use the TCP/IP stack in client mode. It sends a UDP datagram each time PIC port pin B0 is 0. The datagram is sent to socket (IP address, port 54124).

#include "net\stacktsk.h"
#include "net\tick.h"
#include "net\helpers.h"
#include "net\udp.h"
#include "net\arp.h"
#include "net\arptsk.h"

//Create a UDP socket for receiving and sending data
static UDP_SOCKET udpSocketUser;

//UDP State machine
#define SM_UDP_SEND_ARP     0
#define SM_UDP_RESOLVED     2
static BYTE smUdp = SM_UDP_SEND_ARP;

TICK16 tsecMsgSent = 0;        //Time last message was sent
TICK8  tsecWait = 0;           //General purpose wait timer

void udpExample(void)
    BYTE c;
    NODE_INFO udpServerNode;

    //Initialize remote IP and address with The MAC address is
    //is not intialized yet, but after we receive an ARP responce.
    //Configure for local port 54123 and remote port 54124.
    udpServerNode.IPAddr.v[0] = 10;
    udpServerNode.IPAddr.v[1] = 1;
    udpServerNode.IPAddr.v[2] = 0;
    udpServerNode.IPAddr.v[3] = 101;
    udpSocketUser = UDPOpen(54123, &udpServerNode, 54124);
    //An error occurred during the UDPOpen() function
    if (udpSocketUser == INVALID_UDP_SOCKET) {
        //Add user code here to take action if required!

    //Infinite loop. Check if anything is received on UDP port
        switch (smUdp) {
        case SM_UDP_SEND_ARP:
            if (ARPIsTxReady()) {
                //Remember when we sent last request
                tsecWait = TickGet8bitSec();
                //Send ARP request for given IP address
                smUdp = SM_UDP_WAIT_RESOLVE;
        case SM_UDP_WAIT_RESOLVE:
            //The IP address has been resolved, we now have the MAC address of the
            //node at
            if (ARPIsResolved(&udpServerNode.IPAddr, &udpServerNode.MACAddr)) {
                smUdp = SM_UDP_RESOLVED;
            //If not resolved after 2 seconds, send next request
            else {
                if (TickGetDiff8bitSec(tsecWait) >= (TICK8)2) {
                    smUdp = SM_UDP_SEND_ARP;
        case SM_UDP_RESOLVED:
            if ( !PORTB_RB0) {
                //Send a message every second for as long as PIC port pin B0 is = 0
                if (TickGetSecDiff(tsecMsgSent) >= (TICK16)1) {
                    //Checks if there is a transmit buffer ready for accepting
                    //data, and that the given socket is valid (not equal to
                    //INVALID_UDP_SOCKET for example)
                    if (UDPIsPutReady(udpSocketUser)) {
                        tsecMsgSent = TickGetSec();     //Update with current time

                        //Send a UDP Datagram with one byte only indicating the
                        //status We are only interrested in the first byte of the message.

                        //Send contents of transmit buffer, and free buffer

                    //Toggle system LED each time a message is sent
                    TRISB_RB6 = 0;
                    LATB6 ^= 1;

        //This task performs normal stack task including checking for incoming
        //packet, type of packet and calling appropriate stack entity to
        //process it.

Generated on Wed Feb 3 12:45:33 2010 for SBC65EC Web Server by  doxygen 1.5.8