To incorporate this real-time information, the corresponding Dynamic file (*.cgi by default) must contain a text string with the format: "%nxx". Where the '%' character serves as a control code, 'n' represents the variable group and "xx" represents a two-digit variable value ( in uper case hex format).
The variable value has a range of 00-FF (Which translates to 0-255 decimal), and must use upper case characters!
The variable group ('n' character) can be any alpha numeric character ('0-9', 'a-z', 'A-Z'), giving a total of 10+26+26 = 62 groups. Each group can have 256 variable values. This gives a total of 15872 possible variables.
When the HTTP Server encounters this text string, it removes the '%' character and calls the HTTPGetVar() function. This function has been implemented by the Modtronix SBC65EC Web Server in the "httpexec.c" file! All tags implemented by the Modtronix SBC65EC Web Server are listed below.
The HTTPGetVar() function will define strings that will replace tags found in the Dynamic file. If the page requires '%' as a display character, it should be preceded by another '%' character. For example, to display "23%" in a page, put "23%%".