net/nbns.h File Reference

NetBIOS Name Service (NBNS) Server. More...


void NBNSTask (void)

Detailed Description

NetBIOS Name Service (NBNS) Server.

Modtronix Engineering
stacktsk.h, tcp.h
MPLAB C18 v2.10 or higher
Microchip C30 v2.01 or higher HITECH PICC-18 V8.35PL3 or higher


Responds to NBNS name requests to allow human name assignment to the board. The user can define a custom NetBIOS name in his/her application. If no custom name is defined, the default name will be "MXBOARD ". The name must be 16 characters long, with the 16th character a 0x00. To define a custom name, "NETBIOS_NAME_GETCHAR(n)" must be defined in the "projdefs.h" file. An example of defining a custom name is:
 //Default NetBIOS name, must be 16 char, and all upper case, 16th char = 0x00
     {'M','Y','B','O','A','D', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', 0x00};

Another possibility is for the user application to store a custom name in the internal EEPROM of the PIC. This way it can be changed at run time.

For a detailed description, see the NetBIOS section of this document - in [Modules] [TCP/IP Stack] [TCP/IP User Protocols].


The following defines are used to configure this module, and should be placed in the projdefs.h (or similar) file. For details, see Project Configuration. To configure the module, the required defines should be uncommended, and the rest commented out.
 //-------------------- netbios  Configuration --------------------
 // Get the requested character of our NetBIOS name. If this is not defined in the
 // "projdefs.h" file, the default name "MXBOAD" is used
 #define NETBIOS_NAME_GETCHAR(n)     Put user code here ......

Function Documentation

void NBNSTask ( void   ) 

Sends responses to NetBIOS name requests

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