Programming Modtronix Microchip PIC based boards. This page describes how to update the firmware on a SBC board using a PIC programmer, like the Microchip ICD 3/4 or Microchip PICKit 3/4 programmers.
All Netcruzer Single Board Computers (SBC) have a 6 pin programming connector (in circuit serial programming connector - ICSP), as shown in Pictures below. To program the SBC board using the Microchip ICD 3 or Microchip PICKit 3 programmers, a programming adaptor is required. This is a cable, with two small boards on either side of it. The one board fits onto the SBC board, and the other into the programmer.

PICKit 3, 4 or 5
The cheapest way to program the SBC boards is by using the PICkit 3, PICKit 4 or PICkit 5 Programmer together with the PGM2KIT programming adaptor. The PGM2KIT Programming Adapter plugs into the ICSP socket of the PICkit 2 PIC programmer. It provides the connectors required for programming all Netcruzer SBC boards. The picture on the right shows the PGM2KIT used together with a PICkit 3 programmer to program a target SBC board.
ICD 3, 4 or 5
One of the best ways to program the SBC boards is by using the ICD 3, 4 or ICD 5 Programmer together with the PGM06 programming adaptor. The PGM06 Programming Adapter plugs into the ICSP socket of the ICD 3 PIC programmer. It provides the connectors required for programming all Netcruzer SBC boards. The picture on the right shows the PGM06 used together with a ICD 2(ICD 3 is similar) programmer to program a target SBC board.
The ICD 3 is a very robust unit, and has extensive protection and monitoring circuitry. In most cases when connected up wrong to the target board, it will sense the wrong connection, and not try to program the board. Thus not damaging the board or itself! The same is NOT true for many other programmers!