Netcruzer Library API  V2.03
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File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
||o*nz_encIncRot.cFunctions for an Incremental Rotary Encoder
||o*nz_encIncRot.hFunctions for an Incremental Rotary Encoder
||o*nz_mcp23017.hMCP23017 Input/Output functions
||o*nz_ow2482.cFunctions for DS2482 1-Wire interface
||o*nz_ow2482.hFunctions for DS2482 1-Wire interface
||o*nz_sensDht.cFunctions for DHT22 Temperature and Humidity Sensor
||o*nz_sensDht.hFunctions for DHT11 and DHT22 Temperature and Humidity Sensors
||o*nz_sensDhtBlock.cFunctions for DHT22 Temperature and Humidity Sensor
||\*nz_sensDhtBlock.hFunctions for DHT11 and DHT22 Temperature and Humidity Sensors
||o*brd_sbc32ul-r1.hContains hardware specific defines for SBC66EC Revision 1 board
||o*brd_sbc66ec-r1.hContains hardware specific defines for SBC66EC Revision 1 board
||o*brd_sbc66ec-r2.hContains hardware specific defines for SBC66EC Revision 2 board
||o*brd_sbc66ecl-r2.hContains hardware specific defines for SBC66ECL Revision 2 board
||o*brd_sbc66ual-r1.hContains hardware specific defines for SBC66UAL Revision 1 board
||o*brd_sbc66zl-r1.hContains hardware specific defines for SBC66UAL Revision 1 board
||o*nz_analog.hInternal ADC functions
||o*nz_appConfig.hThis file defines the Application Configuration interface
||o*nz_board.hNetcruzer File for including correct board Include file
||o*nz_board_defaults.hContains hardware specific defines for items NOT on boards
||o*nz_circularBuffer.hThis file defines a Circular Buffer interface
||o*nz_circularBufferPwr2.hCircular Buffer, with configurable buffer size. Size must be power of 2!
||o*nz_circularBufferStd.hVariable size Circular Buffer
||o*nz_command.hThis file defines a Command Interface
||o*nz_db66dev1.hContains hardware specific defines for DB66DEV1 Revision 1 board
||o*nz_debounce.hContains code for debouncing noisy ditital inputs, like buttons
||o*nz_debug.hThis file defines a Debug interface
||o*nz_din24i-r1.hContains hardware specific defines for DIN24I Revision 1 board
||o*nz_genericTypeDefs.hGeneric typedefs and defines
||o*nz_helpers.hNetcruzer Helper Functions
||o*nz_helpersCx.hNetcruzer Advanced Helper Functions, means to internal use
||o*nz_im2bl.hContains hardware specific defines for the im2BL Button/LED iMod module
||o*nz_im4mos.hContains hardware specific defines for the im4MOS MOSFET output iMod module
||o*nz_imod.hContains hardware specific defines for iMod modules
||o*nz_in6bt.hContains hardware specific defines for the in6BT Bluetooth iMod module
||o*nz_interrupt.hCode for using and configuring Interrupts
||o*nz_ioPortDefs.hDefines for I/O ports
||o*nz_ioPorts.hCode for using and configuring I/O ports
||o*nz_lcd2s.hSerial LCD Display handler
||o*nz_menuFsm.hImplementation of a Finite State Machine, for a Menu
||o*nz_netcruzer.hMain Netcruzer System file
||o*nz_pt66din6.hContains hardware specific defines for PT66DIN6 board
||o*nz_pt66eci.hContains hardware specific defines for PT66ECI board
||o*nz_pt66ei10p.hPT66EI-10P Driver Functions
||o*nz_pt66ei24p.hPT66EI-24P Driver Functions
||o*nz_pwm.hSimple and efficient functions for PWM configuration and usage
||o*nz_rtc.hFunctions for ISL1208 RTC used on SBC66 Boards
||o*nz_serDataPorts.hFunctions for "Serial Data Ports"(SDP)
||o*nz_serI2C.hI2C Port 1 functions
||o*nz_serUart.hUART Port 1 functions
||o*nz_serUSB.hThis file defines a buffered USB Interface
||o*nz_tick.hTick Functions
||o*nz_tickCx.hTick Functions, Complex version! For the simple version, use nz_tick.h and nz_tick.c files
||o*nz_usbHidDefs.hContains default defines for the Netcruzer USB HID interface
||o*nz_xEeprom.hInterface for accessing an external SPI EEPROM
||o*nz_xFlash.hInterface for accessing an external SPI FLASH
||o*nz_xflashDefsSbc66.hExternal Flash Defines for SBC66 range of boards
||o*nz_xRam.hInterface for accessing an external SPI RAM
| o*nz_rtos.hNetcruzer RTOS Main Include file
| o*nzos_defsInternal.hNetcruzer RTOS Internal Defines
| o*nzos_event.hNetcruzer RTOS Events
| o*nzos_fiber.hNetcruzer RTOS Fibers
| o*nzos_fsm.hNetcruzer RTOS Finite State Machine Task
| o*nzos_main.hRTOS Functions
| o*nzos_mem.hNetcruzer RTOS Memory
| o*nzos_mutex.hNetcruzer RTOS Mutex
| o*nzos_queue.hNetcruzer RTOS Queue
| o*nzos_semph.hNetcruzer RTOS Semaphores
| \*nzos_task.hNetcruzer RTOS Task
 o*assert.hStandard C Libraries -
 o*ctype.hStandard C Libraries -
 o*errno.hStandard C Libraries -
 o*float.hStandard C Libraries -
 o*limits.hStandard C Libraries -
 o*locale.hStandard C Libraries -
 o*math.hStandard C Libraries - Math Functions
 o*setjmp.hStandard C Libraries -
 o*signal.hStandard C Libraries -
 o*stdarg.hStandard C Libraries -
 o*stddef.hStandard C Libraries -
 o*stdio.hStandard C Libraries -
 o*stdlib.hStandard C Libraries - stdlib Utility Functions
 o*string.hStandard C Libraries
 \*time.hStandard C Libraries -